Friday, February 19, 2010

Redecorate with ReArrangements!

To those of you familiar with my shop, you may already know Ann Carpenter, of the design firm ReArrangments.  Ann is at the shop on Friday afternoons and leads our decorating classes as well.  By popular demand, Ann now has her own blog!  Here is her newest.....

4 Steps to Great Looking Bookshelves By Ann Carpenter

If you’re like me, these snowy days have left a lot of time to tackle indoor decorating projects. One quick and inexpensive update for your home is rearranging bookshelves.

Here are 4 simple steps to make your library handsome and functional:

Step 1. Remove all books from the shelves and sort by size. Take this opportunity to dust both shelves and books. You might also consider painting the backs of the shelves. Select a shade deeper than your wall color to suggest shadows and depth.

To read more of Ann's blog and subscribe go to

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