Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays.....

So it's raining and Monday.  Can't go sailing, kayaking, rowing, biking or do gardening and the shop is closed.  What's a girl to do??  PAINT!!  I've been eyeing my husband Frank's credenza for a few weeks now, but it is enormous, already painted and distressed, but, never mind...  Here's a photo of the before:

It looks good, but the color no longer goes with my Belgium, French, Distressed Look.  I decided to paint it Benjamin Moore French Grey (my new favorite).  Here it is after the first coat:
I'm thinking of leaving it at one coat.  I can distress it down to the mahogany wood for a distressed look.  I am even thinking of leaving the shelves the original color for a little contrast.  I will send out the finished photo (paint takes time to dry!) after I have distressed it, and see what you think.

P.S. - Don't tell Frank - it's a surprise!!!!!

Brocante Home Tip:
When painting in a color, first paint a light undertone that will show through the top coat.  For example, paint the wood piece a white or cream, let dry, then paint a color (one coat) over it.  Distress down to both the white or cream and a little further to get to the wood.  For more furniture painting tips, come to our next Design Class, Sunday, June 6th at 11am - 12pm at the shop in Irvington.  Please call or email Ann or me for a reservation.

Au Revoir!  Rachel
Brocante Home
Summer Hours:  Wednesday - Saturday: 10 - 4; Sunday: 12 - 4